Mari Gold
Investor Relation

MARIGOLD CONTRACTING AND SERVICES is committed to quality. Our objective is to safely deliver 100 percent complete construction projects that meet all contract and customer expectations every time.Our commitment to quality means: Our Qunity policy reeds as: Every MARI GOLD CONTRACTING AND SERVICES employee is responsible for fully implementing and complying with all provisions of the MARI GOLD CONTRACTING Quality Manual. Our quality standards meet or exceed all applicable regulations, codes, industry standards, and mandcturer specifications as well as with our customer's contract and individual requirements We stand behind our work. We inspect every phase of construction so that our projects are built. To ensure that all the requirements and recommendations of statutory and regulatory bodies and other requirements are followed.

Project Quality Management After MARI GOLD CONTRACTING is awarded a contract to carry out a construction project, the CEO forms a project team consisting of a Quality Personnel Project Manager and Superintendent. Fint, the Quality Personnel develops a set of project specifications that align project requirements with customer specifications and requirements, regulations, industry standards, product instruction, and MARI GOLD CONTRACTING qual standards. The Quality Personnel evaluates personnel, subcontractors, materials, and suppliers, and ensures that only those that are capable and qualified are included on the project. Training is provided to ensure that all personnel involved in the project understand their quality responsibilities and authonties. The Quality Personnel then details how the quality is controlled throughout the construction process through and inspection and test plan that specifies requirements and pass/fail criteria for quality control inspections and tests MARI GOLD CONTRACTING operating policies assure compliance to the project specification.